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martedì 4 marzo 2008

Eventi Portofino

Portofino * Program 03.03/09.03

Monday 03rd
01pm SLT
Red Party!!!

Tuesday 04th
09am SLT
Beach Sexion @ Portofino Beach with Alex-Z Dj
Latin Night!!

Wednesday 05th
01pm SLT
Elvis SL Live! Bubba C John In Concert!
60's Theme Party!!!

Thursday 06th
01.30pm SLT
Alex-Z Vs Duca Greenwood 3hrs Sexion!!
Best Pyjama - 200L$

Friday 07th
01.30pm SLT
The Hottest Strip Night!!
Guest Star - Seloxey Enoch

Saturday 08th
01pm SLT
Love Is In The Air - Portofino Beach
The best Love and romantic tunes from Duca Dj

Sunday 09th
01pm SLT
Greenwood Sexion! 2 hrs of pure elektro house music!!

Portofino Staff!!!

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